Wednesday, December 14, 2016

1 month!

Steel Jack turned 1 month on December 8th!  I can't believe he has been in our lives for a month!  He is just the best baby. He is laid back and really only cries if he is hungry or needs to be changed.  He likes to take his bath, watch his brothers, and sit in his daddies lap.  We love him so much!

Spelling Bee!

Slade is one of the top spellers in his grade.   They had to take a test and he scored a 100!  His teacher told me that he was the only one out of his two classes to make a perfect score!  Since he did so well, he was chosen to participate in the spelling bee for Stuard Elementary.  We studied a 2 page long list of words, and we were amazed at how well he did.  Billy and I are not spellers at all.  

The day of the Spelling Bee finally came, and Billy took him to get a new outfit to wear.  He got a new pair of blue jeans and converse shoes.  He looked sharp!

We were so nervous!  I just did not want him to get out on the first round.  The first round came and he spelled his word! The second round he made it! His word was paint.  Third round he spelled varsity correctly.  Fourth round he spelled cavalcade correctly.  The fifth round his word was perpetrator and he spelled it perpAtrator.  He got out. But, he was the 5th person left.  We are so proud of him!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Branty Haze came down with strep throat this past week.  I noticed on Thursday that he was overly tired.  I just thought it had to do with him playing outside in the really cold, but by Friday night, he had a temperature of 102.8!  Friday night was Aledo's semi final game, and we went to watch it at my parents.  Brant fell asleep at half time, and that is not like him at all.  He was so sad that he was sick because he had his Championship game on Saturday morning for flag football.  His team ended up winning, but he did not get to go.  

We did go to the Urgent care down town and he was diagnosed with strep.  He thought it was the best place ever because they gave popsicles.  He was so afraid of having his throat swabbed.  He did great though.  It only took about 2 minutes to convince him to do it.