A snow ball fight with some friends!! Slade thought it was hilarious!

He wrapped our Christmas tree.
He just wanted to hang out for a night.
He wanted to play pirates!
This one caught Slade off guard. He could not believe that he was on the lights.

This was the first morning. He was taking some friends on a train ride.
Slade and Brant LOVE powered donuts, and so does Fred!
We could not find him one morning, and then we had to leave to go somewhere and here he was hanging out in the car.
This picture is of Fred hanging out in Slade's underwear drawer. The funny part was that he had thrown all of Slade's underwear on the bed.
He was hanging on the fan one morning.
Sleeping in Brant's bed.
It was such a fun Christmas Break, and Fred made it super special! We hope he returns next year!