Billy is going to Portugal and the boys and I made a list of things that we were going to do while he was gone. The first thing they wanted to do was go to Hawaiian Falls, so we went. The boys loved the mat racer and how tall it was and they had three slides. Purple, yellow and blue. At first the boys first walked up to get on the yellow slide Brant was talking and talking. He asked the worker if it was going to be pitch black. The worker did not know he was afraid of pitch black and told him yes. That is when Brant started to get off the slide and he made Slade go by himself. Slade was so afraid that he was going to turn around in the slide. He did end up turning aroundbut he loved it. We rode those rides all day long. The best part of the day was when Slade road purple slide with me. It had a steep drop, but he loved it. They want to take Their daddy when he gets back!!